There are numerous things to consider when selecting the siding color for your home. The right shade and tone can dramatically improve your home’s curb appeal and increase its resale value. This article will help you confidently pick the most suitable color for your new siding.

Consider Your Home’s Existing Color Scheme
Before shopping for new siding, check your home’s existing color scheme, including your installed residential roofing system. It provides a source of inspiration whether to go with a more striking contrast or create a matching aesthetic using a darker or lighter shade. After assessing the roof, pay attention to the trim surrounding your windows and doors, as well as the landscape elements, such as flower beds, shrubs, trees and even stonework. All of these can help you decide the siding color that will work for your residence.
Assess Your Region’s Climate
Your home’s exposure to sunlight and temperature extremes can often influence the most suitable siding color. Remember that intense sunlight can make colors appear brighter and the siding color you pick might look different at different times of the day.
Consider Your Budget
Take note of any financial constraints before choosing a new siding color. Certain shades of siding come with an increased cost. The installation price can vary based on how much product you need based on your budget. Discuss your plans with your hired siding and roofing contractor before deciding which hue best suits your home’s exterior style.
Consider Your Neighborhood and Personal Preferences
While copying your neighbors’ color palette is unnecessary, reviewing your community’s dominant style could inspire you. Find a soft spot to work your color choices harmoniously with your surroundings.
Ready to Pick the Best Siding Color?
Finding the perfect shade for your new siding can be tricky, but it can be rewarding as soon as the project is finished. Consider your current home’s style, the local climate, budgeting restrictions, neighborhood, and personal choice so you can make a well-informed decision.
Call Howard Roofing & Home Improvements for your siding replacement needs. We specialize in vinyl siding that will look good, perform well and last longer than any wood or aluminum siding on the market. Wrapping your home in beautiful, low-maintenance vinyl siding is a simple and effective way to refresh the look and feel of your home without making major renovations.
Count on our team for your residential and commercial roofing needs as well. Call (636) 296-1057 today, or fill out our online contact form for a free quote! We serve homeowners in and around St. Louis, MO.